Rite of the Womb

The Rite of the Womb is a traditional blessing to empower Women and reconnect them to their sacred creative power. The Rite has been passed down from a lineage of Women who have freed themselves from suffering, and who wish for all women to be free of their own suffering. Participants will viscerally remember the eternal wisdom of the Womb:

The womb is not a place to store fear or pain.

The womb is to create and give birth to life.

Birthing Life in this sense is not necessarily about childbirth, it is about birthing the best versions of ourselves, and taking responsibility for what we create through our speech, actions, and intentions.

With the Rite, we set the firm intention that our womb will no longer carry the memories — ours, those of our Mothers, our GrandMothers — of pain and fear. This way we are open to life and to our own endless source of creative power and vision. Freed from this suffering, we begin to allow for our unique gifts to be expressed so that we can create a better life for ourselves, our families, our communities and the planet.

This is a beautiful opportunity to heal your womb and that of your Mother, Sister, Daughter, and through this, to ultimately heal the womb of our Mother Earth.




Personal Ceremony/Rite of Passage